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jari sankatchi kalraat hoti jari sankatchi kalraat hoti tari bheemraya tujhi saath hoti tujhi tevdyachi suruwat hoti prakashat majhi pidhinaat hoti paalvit hote prakashat bole chaalvit hote tujhe don dole prakashache gaane mani gaat hoti ashi fouj majhi pudhe jaat hoti ganatich majhi gulamaat hoti zindagich majhi zalamat hoti todlis majhi gulamichi bedi asi zunjnari tujhi zaat hoti mala daulelee tujhi paaywaat zalee aatachi vikasachi vaat vade aaj bharat kalachi tujhi ti perani udyachya vikasaat hoti

jari sankatchi kalraat hoti jari sankatchi kalraat hoti tari bheemraya tujhi saath hoti tujhi tevdyachi suruwat hoti prakashat majhi pidhinaat hoti paalvit hote prakashat bole chaalvit hote tujhe don dole prakashache gaane mani gaat hoti ashi fouj majhi pudhe jaat hoti ganatich majhi gulamaat hoti zindagich majhi zalamat hoti todlis majhi gulamichi bedi asi zunjnari tujhi zaat hoti mala daulelee tujhi paaywaat zalee aatachi vikasachi vaat vade aaj bharat kalachi tujhi ti perani udyachya vikasaat hoti

Poster of Pralhad+Shinde+-+(Buddhist+Devotional)

Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti

Pralhad Shinde

jari sankatchi kalraat hoti jari sankatchi kalraat hoti tari bheemraya tujhi saath hoti tujhi tevdyachi suruwat hoti prakashat majhi pidhinaat hoti paalvit hote prakashat bole chaalvit hote tujhe don dole prakashache gaane mani gaat hoti ashi fouj majhi pudhe jaat hoti ganatich majhi gulamaat hoti zindagich majhi zalamat hoti todlis majhi gulamichi bedi asi zunjnari tujhi zaat hoti mala daulelee tujhi paaywaat zalee aatachi vikasachi vaat vade aaj bharat kalachi tujhi ti perani udyachya vikasaat hoti

Pralhad Shinde

Song Title : Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti
Album/Film : Pralhad Shinde
Lyrics : vaman kardak
Singer : Pralhad Shinde
Music Director : Madhukar Pathak

FAQs for Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti

Q. In which year the Album/Film Pralhad Shinde released? >

A. Pralhad Shinde was released in .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Pralhad Shinde ? >

A. was the Production of Pralhad Shinde .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Pralhad Shinde ? >

A. was the Producer of in Pralhad Shinde .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Pralhad Shinde ? >

A. was the Director of Pralhad Shinde .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Pralhad Shinde ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Pralhad Shinde .

Q. Who wrote the song Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti ? >

A. vaman kardak wrote the song Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti ? >

A. vaman kardak was the lyricsts of song Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti .

Q. Who is Singer of song Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti ? >

A. Pralhad Shinde was the Singer's of song Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti ? >

A. Madhukar Pathak was the Music Director of song Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti .

Q. In which raag Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti song was sung? >

A. Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti song was sung? >

A. Bheemraya Tujhi Saath Hoti song was sung in taal .